Blender: les notes de développement du week-end.

par Lapineige

publié dans 3D , Blender , Notes de développement de Blender

Bonjour à tous !

La 2.70 se rapproche de plus en plus: les développeurs sont donc en phase BCon4. Ça débogue dur à la Blender Fondation ^^.

Hi all,

Here are the notes from today's meeting in, #blendercoders.

1) Upcoming 2.70 release.

- Planning is still the same:

- We moved to BCon4 level today. That means - only bug fixing!

- Sergey Sharybin checks on report for speed regression with threaded updates, will work on that this week.

- Also reported, UI for image window has problems still:

- Release blocker bugs:

- Tamito Kajiyama worked with Campbell on the Python issue with non-latin fonts. Campbell found it's a bug in 3.3, but fixed in Python 3.4 (not officially released yet).
Suggestion is to not release with a new Python now, but provide it as official testbuild instead.

- Martijn Berger would like to see an official testbuild for MSVC 2013 as well.

- Ton Roosendaal: we need a new splash! The 2.6x series was done by either open movie teams, or by teams on invitation (who appointed/invited next teams). Any suggestions for how to handle 2.7x splashes? Do another call on

- Test build call will be on wednesday UTC daytime.

- Everyone who's under BF/BI contract will focus on bugfixing the coming week. Sergey will help by ruthlessly assigning everyone their share of reports!

2) Other projects

- Thomas Dinges worked on Cycles standalone last week:
He suggested to give Cycles an own git project. Is being reviewed how to handle this efficiently. Brecht van Lommel doesn't think it's needed to remove it from Blender's source tree, there's a way to have both.

- Lukas Toenne reports he completed first stage of compositing code cleanup. It needs to be checked by the current owners of the code (Jeroen Bakker and Monique Dewanchand). Is a topic for after the release.



Blender Foundation

En résumé:


  • Le développement est passé en phase BCon4 (débogage uniquement). Plus rien ne sera ajouté pour la 2.70.
  • Sergey Sharybin va se pencher cette semaine sur les problèmes (bugs) de pertes de vitesse dues aux threaded updates (mise à jour de la vue 3D utilisant tout les cœurs du processeurs, et non plus 1 seul comme avant).
  • L'organisation actuelle des tabs pour les éditeurs d'image et de sculpture ne convient pas. Ils travaillent toujours dessus.
  • Tamito Kajiyama et Campbell Barton on remarqué un bug de Python 3.3 (version actuellement intégrée dans Blender) avec les caractères non-latin (comme les caractères chinois, japonais...). Ce problème est corrigé dans python 3.4.
    La version 2.70 souffrira donc de ce bug, qui sera corrigé dans une version officielle, une testbuild, incluant Python 3.4.
  • Martijn Berger suggère de crée également une testbuild compilée avec MSVC 2013.
    Ce qui est logique puisque la 2.71/2.72 sera compilée avec (ce qui cassera la compatibilité avec XP).
  • Il faut un nouveau splash screen (l'image de l'écran de démarrage) !
    Les dev's font certainement lancer un appel à candidature sur Si il y a des volontaires :-P.


  • Lukas Toenne a terminer la première étape du nettoyage du code du module de compositing.
  • Thomas Dinges a travaillé sur la version standalone (détachée, indépendante de Blender) de Cycles.
    Pour rappel, par volonté de permettre une intégration de Cycles dans un autre logiciel, la code est passé il y a peu sous licence Apache, plus permissive que celle utiliser par Blender, dans le cadre d'une utilisation dans un autre logiciel.
    La version standalone est dans la continuité de cette volonté "d'export" du moteur de rendu.

En plus de ça, souhaitons bon courage à Bastien Montagne, développeur de la Blender Fondation, qui comme de nombreux français à ce jour se retrouve sans téléphone et électricité.



Et la version liens cliquables:

Hi all,

Here are the notes from today's meeting in, #blendercoders.

1) Upcoming 2.70 release.

- Planning is still the same:

- We moved to BCon4 level today. That means - only bug fixing!

- Sergey Sharybin checks on report for speed regression with threaded updates, will work on that this week.

- Also reported, UI for image window has problems still:

- Release blocker bugs:

- Tamito Kajiyama worked with Campbell on the Python issue with non-latin fonts.
Campbell found it's a bug in 3.3, but fixed in Python 3.4 (not officially released yet).
Suggestion is to not release with a new Python now, but provide it as official testbuild instead.

- Martijn Berger would like to see an official testbuild for MSVC 2013 as well.

- Ton Roosendaal: we need a new splash!
The 2.6x series was done by either open movie teams, or by teams on invitation (who appointed/invited next teams).
Any suggestions for how to handle 2.7x splashes? Do another call on

- Test build call will be on wednesday UTC daytime.

- Everyone who's under BF/BI contract will focus on bugfixing the coming week. Sergey will help by ruthlessly assigning everyone their share of reports!

2) Other projects

- Thomas Dinges worked on Cycles standalone last week:
He suggested to give Cycles an own git project. Is being reviewed how to handle this efficiently.
Brecht van Lommel doesn't think it's needed to remove it from Blender's source tree, there's a way to have both.

- Lukas Toenne reports he completed first stage of compositing code cleanup.
It needs to be checked by the current owners of the code (Jeroen Bakker and Monique Dewanchand). Is a topic for after the release.


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